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Holistic Wellness Program- 4 Sessions

Begin your journey to optimize your health, restore your vitality, and transform your life!

1 h
897 US dollars

Service Description

Do you desire holistic and alternative remedies to address your health challenges? Have you tried many things with no results? Do you feel let down by conventional treatments and would love to optimize your health and restore your vitality naturally? You have landed here at the right time! This program is designed to optimize your health by addressing the root cause of problems and rebalancing your body with natural medicines. In this Holistic Wellness Program, you will be supported for eight weeks. Many years of chronic illnesses may require longer time and care for optimal health progress for some clients. This program is highly recommended for people with long-term chronic diseases like stroke, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Your session includes: • Everything in the Holistic Wellness Consultation. • Four 1 hour additional sessions with me after the initial consultation every two weeks to review your progress, address your current needs, and tweak protocols as needed. If additional time or support is needed after eight weeks, client will need to book a follow-up consultation every two weeks. Note: This program offers a payment plan option that runs through the end of the program, allowing for more manageable payments. For further inquiries, please email us at or use the chat icon.

Cancellation Policy

a. By clicking “Buy Now,” “Purchase,” "Book Now," or any other phrase on the purchase button, or entering your credit card information, or otherwise enrolling, electronically, verbally, or otherwise, you (“Client”) agree to be provided with products, programs, or services by the Earth and Vitality, LLC unless a separate Terms of Purchase Agreement is provided at purchase. No refunds will be issued for the Client's total investment in this Package. If the Client decides not to continue with this Package within thirty (30) days of the initial purchase, full payment will still be due. If the Client does not make payments, the Practitioner may pursue legal action. b. Credit Card Authorization (if applicable for payment plan). Each Party acknowledges that Practitioner will send an invoice or charge the credit card chosen by the Client on the dates and for the amounts specified. All sessions will be held once payment is made, except for clients on payment plans, and if payment is due, it must be paid in due time as agreed. This is to ensure the smooth continuation of the service and to avoid any disruptions in the client's progress.

Contact Details

(832) 303-8883

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